If you would like to be a part of improving the lives of these creatures, please download our PDF that gives you the information to help you become better informed. You are welcomed to print out the PDF file and post it in your libraries, retail stores, pet stores, vet's offices and any where else you think will help make a difference.
For as little as $25, you can sponsor a Feral Cat! This includes trapping, transporting, surgery (spay/neuter), anesthesia, and rabies shot. If you cannot contribute at this time, tell someone you know who cares about animals to see if they can help! Or you can volunteer your time with trapping and transportation. Never trapped a feral cat before? No problem we will train you on the spot! Please send in your tax deductible donation of $25 (or more) to sponsor your Feral Cat to: |
PO Box 2961 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004 |
Or you may use Paypal for your donation by clicking on the button below (please note that a small percentage of your donation goes to Paypal for processing fees, therefore if you mail a check directly to S.A.V.E., your full donation will go to helping save feral cats.)